
Archive for April, 2020

Blue Plate Special

I am alone, and got up and dressed for our Easter Service online, then Zoomed in to fellowship with other people from my church. so.

As you may have gathered, I like to cook, but there is no point in making a large dinner, much as I would like. I was supposed to make a lemon meringue pie for one of my grandsons and his fiancee family dinner today, but that’s not happening. Sadly, he and his fiancee are isolated from each other, so sad for the young.

But I have three Lindt truffles and the remains of a keto pound cake (with the best cream cheese icing I have ever tasted) so from my half-pound of ground beef I am going to make myself a Blue Plate Special. This was a favourite entree at diners and drugstore restaurant counters back in the day, and it was a favourite with two of my grandsons. I will have to make it without the mushrooms as I am out of them, and no more groceries coming for two weeks, but I have Magic Mushroom Seasoning from Viet Nam for umami (did you know you can make your own?) and I can substitute the mushrooms with an onion – it will still provide me with some comfort-food deliciousness on this festive day, especially with some nice potatoes!

Blue Plate Special

1-1/2 lbs. ground beef
1 egg
2 green onions, chopped
1/4 c. bread crumbs
1 T. Dijon mustard

Mix this all up and fry in a skillet deep enough for the gravy:

1-1/2 c. beef gravy*
1 T. horseradish
1 c. fresh mushrooms, thinly sliced

Pour over the patties when the second side is browned, turn down the heat and cover just until the mushrooms are cooked.

Serve with potatoes, carrots and peas, of course.

*Homemade Gravy

Melt 2 T. fat or bacon grease in a sauce pan, whisk in 2 T. flour, then gradually add 2 c. beef broth, whisking until bubbly and smooth.
Melt 2 T. fat or bacon grease in a sauce pan, whisk in 2 c. cold beef broth into which 2 T. of cornstarch has been added and mixed in. Whisk until bubbly and smooth.

And if you need to get a break from the kids, here’s a sheet on how to make Sidewalk Puffy Paint. Just whip some up and set them loose to practice safe distancing on the driveway!

Sidwalk Puffy Paint.pdf

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